Sunday 8 May 2011

Senior Young Men Report

It has been great to see the Senior Young Men back at Tiwi College for the start of term 2. With all the disruptions last term, it has been great to have them all back at school and keen to learn. A number of our boys have been elected as student leaders but we’d particularly like to mention and congratulate Jason Minnicon, who has been elected the male School Captain of Tiwi College. Jason went to Melbourne this week to represent the college at a meeting.

It has been great to see a new face in the class in Wally Brooks, as well as a number of boys who have returned to Tiwi College after a bit of a break. The Senior Young Men’s class as a whole has shown great leadership and maturity so far this term. They have applied themselves very well to their school work and are setting a good example to the younger students around the school and at footy training. All the boys are showing a high level of improvement in their spelling and numeracy which is great to see.

The Tiwi College Clontarf Football Academy has continued this term. There are a number of games and trips for the Senior Boys coming up this term which they have begun training for. It is really important that the boys get to each and every training to improve their skills and fitness and to ensure that they are able to take part in the games and trips on offer.

Patty and myself would like to congratulate the boys on a great start to term 2 and encourage to keep coming to school with a positive attitude and enthusiasm for their learning.

Mr. Troy Cunningham
Senior Young Men Teacher