Sunday 27 February 2011

Junior School

The Junior students have started the year very well, we have 15 children coming to school almost every day. Our Teacher is Mr. Luke, his wife Shona and 1 year old daughter visit the classroom some days too. The ages of our students range from 5 years old through to 12 years old. We have been working really hard, setting up the classroom for the year ahead.

We have just started the Sound Way program which is a different and interesting way for us to learn to become better readers, writers and spellers. We also have been working hard in Maths, getting our brains working fast.

We have also been doing lots of fun things like music, drama, PE, cooking, fishing and swimming in the creek. Some of the class made vegetable fritters and pancakes for the Thursday night community dinner.

We are all looking forward to the year ahead.

Written by,
Jonas and Marie

New Friends

Friday 25 February 2011

Principal's Message

Mr. Brian Clancy

Wow...what a fantastic start to 2011......

Now that the Tiwi Education Board have taken full control over governance and operations of the Tiwi College it’s full steam ahead.

Lots of quality new and old Tiwi and non Tiwi staff and students have come on board the Tiwi College direct flight to Excellence in Education.

Student numbers are at record levels with an early attendance rate in the high 90% and an ever growing waiting list of kids wanting to enrol at the College, which is a great vote of confidence in the new direction that we have taken....with a real focus on lifting literacy and numeracy outcomes and preparing our future leaders of the Tiwi for the many jobs that are coming on line over the next couple of years in the Tiwi Private Economy.

I’d like to welcome and thank the students, staff and Tiwi Community for their enormous support in these early and exciting days of the new look Tiwi College and remind everyone that we all need to work together and encourage all of our kids to get on the bus every Monday so that we can deliver some real Tiwi Magic in Education.

Deputy Principal’s Message

Mr. James Russell

Starting a new year in a school is always a bit of an unknown with questions such as, ‘I wonder what the new staff will be like?’ and ‘Which students will decide to return?’ running through my mind. Thankfully the answers to both of these questions for 2011 are very positive.

The team of staff assembled at Tiwi College for this year include some very talented and enthusiastic new Teachers and House Parents and some outstanding Tiwi staff who are strong leaders and excellent role models for our students.

It has been fantastic to see so many familiar faces from last year return to our student body. Even more exciting than this is the number of new students full of energy and enthusiasm who have joined our College.

So far this term it has been very pleasing to have our students showing some excellent behaviour and a real eagerness to work hard and learn. I am really looking forward to what we can experience and achieve together during 2011.

Senior Young Women

What a great start to the year. We have been working hard to build and expand our vocabulary. Learning how to spell university words such as conscientious, which isn't easy at all for seniors like us, but the challenge is fun as we learn the English language rules.

Another thing we have been doing is the Sound Way program. We are going back to basics learning the proper sounds letters can make when you read them, not just their alphabet name and the rules for spelling words. This will make us better readers, writers and spellers. The Senior Young Women will also be working with Ms. Georgie and Mr. Nico producing the Tiwi College Newsletter and looking after the school website and Blog.

Every Friday we will work on writing, collecting and editing news stories to keep our community informed about what is happening in our school.

Mr. Nico will help us use IT for the layout and to create a school Blog which we will post all the school news on.

Last week we wrote Auto-Bio Poems and look forward to publishing them in future Newsletters. We have included some below for your enjoyment.

Stanlisha, Laura, Vanessa, Cassie, Alex and Anna (The Newsletter Team)

Tiwi College Highlights


On Thursday 10 February our school was visited by the
team from Red Dust.

Students met and played Friday sports with Kyle Vander Kuyp. Kyle is an indigenous Australian athlete of the Wurundjeri tribe. He holds the Australian record for 110m Hurdles (13.29 sec) and the Australian record for 60m Hurdles indoors (7.73 sec), and has been National Champion 12 times.

He also spoke to the students at assembly about staying healthy and the importance of finishing school.


Sharing our meal time with all staff and students every Thursday under the covered area near the tramps is great.

We all get together for some good food and lots of fun and even dancing! All House Group Parents and staff bring some food and drinks to share. It's a good way for all of us to get to know other people.


Where did you come from?

Do you like it here?
Yes because I believe that education is the key to a real life.

What sort of job are you doing here?
At the moment I'm principal.

What do you like about being here?
I like working at Tiwi College with the kids and staff. I also like it that the Tiwi people are running the school.

By Alex and Cassie


All students are enjoying the team sports on Friday afternoons before we go home. We are having competitions against each other in Volleyball, Touch and Basketball.

Middle School Young Men

The Middle School Young Men arrived at school on the first day with plenty of enthusiasm. The first two weeks the class has been getting to know each other.

We have been to the creek on numerous occasions, with the students launching themselves into the water, time and time again. Students have worked hard at most areas of their work. The students are also looking forward to getting stuck into The Sound Way program.

This week the students are headed to Darwin for a footy tournament. Richard Djorlom and Kim Kantilla have been elected by the class as our student leaders.

We look forward to the difference these two young leaders can make in our community.

Until Next time

Middle School Young Men

Middle School Young Women

Senior School Young Men

The Senior Young Men have had an excellent start to the school year at Tiwi College. We have a big group of enthusiastic boys led by 2 new teachers in Mr Troy and Mr Patty.

The big focus for the boys is improving their literacy through the Sound Way program. The boys are also participating in numeracy classes, VET construction, IT & conservation land management.

Tiwi College Clontarf Football Academy is back this year bigger and better with Mr Dan and Mr Tippa. Already the senior boys have been on a fishing/leadership trip and have participated in 4 training sessions.

All the students are showing a good attitude to learn in and out of the class room which is great to see!

Thursday 24 February 2011

Auto-Bio Poetry


Friendly, stubborn, loving, intelligent

Sister of Laura and Devina

Lover of laughter, pizza and science fiction

Who feels amused hearing a good joke, worried when she doesn’t study and elated when her team wins

Who needs a good friend, understanding and hugs

Who gives cooperation, help and sometimes trouble

Who fears losing, mean people, and the dead

Who would like to see the snow, Beyonce and Disney World

Resident of Milikapiti Tiwi Island


Funny, proud, enjoyable & happy

A best friend of Phyllis Tipuamuntimerri

Lover of chocolate, raspberries and tennis

Loved by friends, joy when she is with family, free

Who need friends around me to make me feel happy and joyful

Who gives my friends joy and advice

Who fears snakes, frogs and racist people

Who would like to see an elephant in real life, a donkey and some other big zoo animals
