Friday 25 February 2011

Senior Young Women

What a great start to the year. We have been working hard to build and expand our vocabulary. Learning how to spell university words such as conscientious, which isn't easy at all for seniors like us, but the challenge is fun as we learn the English language rules.

Another thing we have been doing is the Sound Way program. We are going back to basics learning the proper sounds letters can make when you read them, not just their alphabet name and the rules for spelling words. This will make us better readers, writers and spellers. The Senior Young Women will also be working with Ms. Georgie and Mr. Nico producing the Tiwi College Newsletter and looking after the school website and Blog.

Every Friday we will work on writing, collecting and editing news stories to keep our community informed about what is happening in our school.

Mr. Nico will help us use IT for the layout and to create a school Blog which we will post all the school news on.

Last week we wrote Auto-Bio Poems and look forward to publishing them in future Newsletters. We have included some below for your enjoyment.

Stanlisha, Laura, Vanessa, Cassie, Alex and Anna (The Newsletter Team)