Friday 25 February 2011

Principal's Message

Mr. Brian Clancy

Wow...what a fantastic start to 2011......

Now that the Tiwi Education Board have taken full control over governance and operations of the Tiwi College it’s full steam ahead.

Lots of quality new and old Tiwi and non Tiwi staff and students have come on board the Tiwi College direct flight to Excellence in Education.

Student numbers are at record levels with an early attendance rate in the high 90% and an ever growing waiting list of kids wanting to enrol at the College, which is a great vote of confidence in the new direction that we have taken....with a real focus on lifting literacy and numeracy outcomes and preparing our future leaders of the Tiwi for the many jobs that are coming on line over the next couple of years in the Tiwi Private Economy.

I’d like to welcome and thank the students, staff and Tiwi Community for their enormous support in these early and exciting days of the new look Tiwi College and remind everyone that we all need to work together and encourage all of our kids to get on the bus every Monday so that we can deliver some real Tiwi Magic in Education.