Friday 25 February 2011

Deputy Principal’s Message

Mr. James Russell

Starting a new year in a school is always a bit of an unknown with questions such as, ‘I wonder what the new staff will be like?’ and ‘Which students will decide to return?’ running through my mind. Thankfully the answers to both of these questions for 2011 are very positive.

The team of staff assembled at Tiwi College for this year include some very talented and enthusiastic new Teachers and House Parents and some outstanding Tiwi staff who are strong leaders and excellent role models for our students.

It has been fantastic to see so many familiar faces from last year return to our student body. Even more exciting than this is the number of new students full of energy and enthusiasm who have joined our College.

So far this term it has been very pleasing to have our students showing some excellent behaviour and a real eagerness to work hard and learn. I am really looking forward to what we can experience and achieve together during 2011.