Sunday 27 February 2011

Junior School

The Junior students have started the year very well, we have 15 children coming to school almost every day. Our Teacher is Mr. Luke, his wife Shona and 1 year old daughter visit the classroom some days too. The ages of our students range from 5 years old through to 12 years old. We have been working really hard, setting up the classroom for the year ahead.

We have just started the Sound Way program which is a different and interesting way for us to learn to become better readers, writers and spellers. We also have been working hard in Maths, getting our brains working fast.

We have also been doing lots of fun things like music, drama, PE, cooking, fishing and swimming in the creek. Some of the class made vegetable fritters and pancakes for the Thursday night community dinner.

We are all looking forward to the year ahead.

Written by,
Jonas and Marie

New Friends