Wednesday 1 June 2011

Tiwi College Athletics Carnival

Last Thursday 16th of June Tiwi College hosted their Athletics Carnival. This is a relatively new initiative to Tiwi College and was a brand new experience for most of our student body. Students participated in a range of events including High Jump, Long Jump, Shot Put, Discus and a variety of running events. There was plenty of Tiwi talent on display and some very impressive results were achieved in some events. Students who performed particularly well will have the opportunity to represent the school at the next level in Darwin early next term.
Congratulations to all age group champions below and to ‘Blue’ house for being the inaugural winner. Events like these take quite a bit of organizing and I’d like to thank Mr. Josh, Mr. James and particularly Mr. Jason for all their help. All students deserve a special congratulation for contributing to what was a great day for the College
Troy Cunningham

Nancy Puruntatameri
Edmena Kantilla
Jessica Stassi
Donovan Puautjimi
Daniel Rioli
Patrick Puautjimi
Christine Puruntatameri
Stanlisha Tipiloura
Bobette Minniecon
Stephen Stassi
Jack Munkara
Kieran Apuatimi
Darelin Puruntatameri
Laura Guy
Vanessa Daniels
Kevin Portaminni         (40)
Gabriel Henry               (37)
Wally Brooks (32)

BLUE HOUSE          495
RED HOUSE            390

Senior Young Women Art Project

The artwork was made in the senior girls classes at Tiwi College in May for the Silk cut Art Award. This award attracts professional and student artists from all over Australia and Nationally. If they are shortlisted, it would be a great honour for the Tiwi communities, but if they are one of the 4 winners in the student section, their work will be collected by the National Gallery of Australia, a trophy presented, and monetary support for the schools art department. The girls made traditional designs with lino printmaking techniques in the shapes of tunga baskets. We wish them good luck.

Junior School

This term the Primary class have been engaging in their natural world by participating in an Earth Watching program. We have been exploring and investigating our natural environment at Tiwi College including investigating the impacts the students of Tiwi College have on our school. We have collected and sorted rubbish into recyclable and reusable items, learnt how to use waste to build compost, collected natural materials to construct a collage and lastly we learnt the process of recycling paper.

Recycling Paper
The primary class enjoyed building screens with the Red Dust visitors to enable them to make recycled paper. Once the screens were complete, the students cut up recycled paper from their classroom recycling box into tiny pieces. The pieces of paper were then placed in some coloured water to soak.  The next process was putting the wet pieces of paper into the blender to break down the paper even further. The paper was then placed into the screens on a flat surface so the students could flatten the blob of paper out. After smoothing the paper out the excess water was then taken out of the paper by placing a cloth over the top. With a rolling pin the students could carefully press even more water out before leaving it to dry. We made a huge mess but enjoyed making paper.

Middle School Young Men

The Middle School Young Men have had a very successful term both in and out of the class.
In the class the students have worked very well. All of the students have had steady progress in most areas, particularly in their English skills. Most students improved at least a year in reading and spelling. This is fantastic.
Outside of the classroom the students have been on a football trip, labelled the Tiwi Vipers Exchange. As part of this exchange about 13 students from Middle School went to Brisbane for a weeklong trip. As part of the trip the students mixed with the Narangba Secondary College Football Academy,  played football, surfed at Noosa,  attended an AFL match, went to Dreamworld and much more. The Middle School Young Men would like to thank Dan and Tipper for all the effort they put into fundraising for the event, particularly the community discos. In the words of a wise Tiwi, “You guys are da best.”
To the boys’ credit they have been a pleasure to spend time with and teach. Both Den Den and Mr Josh are looking forward to being with the Middle School Young Men again next term. Have a great holiday everybody! 

Senior School Young Men

Well the first semester has flown by and the Senior Young Men’s class has had a very productive year thus far. Attendance in our class has been good and all the boys are showing varying levels of improvement in numeracy and literacy which is great to see.
The highlight for a number of our boys was the Clontarf trip to Brisbane where they all had a great experience. It was great to be able to reward a couple of the older boys in Ryan Warlapinni and Ricky Tipiloura for some excellent behavior, by allowing them to go on this trip and act as mentors for the younger boys.
The semester culminated this week with the Territory Cup for the Senior Young Men. Hopefully when you read this newsletter the boys will have had a successful and enjoyable tournament.
It is with some sadness that I have to announce my farewell from Tiwi College and teaching the Senior Young Men. I have had an enjoyable time teaching these boys and will miss them very much. I’d like to thank Patty Heenan for all of his help so far this year and being an excellent young role model for these boys. I’m confident that the boys are in good hands with Patty continuing on at the College next semester. Thank you to all for making me feel so welcome and all the best for the future!
Troy Cunningham

Senior/Middle School Young Women

There is no better way for the Community to know what is happening at Tiwi College than to hear what the students themselves have to say about their school life. Have a safe and relaxing Bush Holiday and see you all next semester! Ms. Georgie.

This semester I have learnt how to write in paragraphs, write proper sentences, use a computer wisely, spell difficult words, use punctuation, edit my work, analyse advertisements, write a news report expressing my opinion and studied a film text. I feel I have really improved my English. I went to Melbourne for 3 days representing Tiwi College as the girls’ School Captain. I also went to Darwin for workshops, participated in the NT Girls’ under 16’s Football Team and I have also been to Darwin to Try a Trade at Charles Darwin University. I have met new people and have had lots of fun. I started to enjoy school this semester because I have achieved some goals and had lots of great opportunities. By Stanalisha.

I used to be a student at St John’s College. Being there, I got to go everywhere. I went to Brisbane for N.T Soccer. I went to Sydney to see what university is like. I travelled overseas to Ireland. I had an opportunity to stay at St John’s, but I didn’t. I felt so home sick that I wanted to come home and continue my education somewhere close to family. This is why I decided to come to Tiwi College. Now I feel at home and I feel safe. I started to enjoy school. I have noticed a big change in myself at this school. I started to have a good attitude. I improved my behaviour. I started to listen to teachers. I finished my work. I have changed a lot since I have been here. Next semester will be a good one too. I will work extra hard to focus and finish all my work. I will complete everything and I will come to school every day. By Leah.

Deputy Principal's Message

Mr James Russell

I recently found myself thinking back to when I first arrived at Tiwi College and what it was like at school and how students behaved at this time. I couldn't help but have a chuckle. I remember seeing quite a few students spent more time outside of classrooms than in them, while others had their hands full with a footy more often than a pencil, and others seemed to be of the opinion that the classroom floor was actually for sleeping on. When I consider student behaviour now at Tiwi College, I also cannot help but smile. However this time I smile because students have improved greatly in their ability and willingness to stay in class and work hard to learn. Many of the small issues that were preventing students from learning have improved significantly over time. There is still a lot of room for improvement, but on any given day by far the majority of students can be found sitting at their desk doing their best to listen, think and learn. In life it is often improvements in the little things that really add up to make a big difference. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all Tiwi College students on the improvements that they have made so far and encourage you all to keep on trying to improve and to continue to learn and grow during your time time at Tiwi College. Enjoy the Bush Holiday with family and friends and see you for Semester 2!

Principal's Message

Mr Ian Smith
Over the term, I believe the students of our college have been able to see how important CHOICES are in life. Sometimes, mistakes are made and you can make a poor choice – which may lead to something that is not pleasant. Students should know that with poor choices come consequences – but this is a necessary part of learning – of becoming a mature person. All of the Tiwi College family know this and will forgive and help; we will assist in guiding students to make the right choices for a happy and proud life; for themselves and their family.
We also see all of the great choices that are made. The decisions to improve in work, behaviour and respect for one another.  I have had some wonderful feedback from Family Group Home parents about students wanting to help do little jobs around the house. This is fantastic…. remember “from little things, big things grow”. We have had good, consistent attendance at Tiwi College – so let’s all do the little things to make our college a respectful & happy community, next semester.
I would like to wish all of the families associated with the Tiwi College a safe Bush Holidays. I hope you all get a chance to go to Country and connect.
I’d like to thank our staff for their efforts throughout the semester and wish them a relaxing holiday; where-ever they go. Special thanks go to Troy Cunningham, Brigette Sayer, Luke Ballard and his family who are leaving us; thankyou for your efforts here on the Tiwi Islands. May the next part of your journey in life be a fulfilling one.