Wednesday 1 June 2011

Principal's Message

Mr Ian Smith
Over the term, I believe the students of our college have been able to see how important CHOICES are in life. Sometimes, mistakes are made and you can make a poor choice – which may lead to something that is not pleasant. Students should know that with poor choices come consequences – but this is a necessary part of learning – of becoming a mature person. All of the Tiwi College family know this and will forgive and help; we will assist in guiding students to make the right choices for a happy and proud life; for themselves and their family.
We also see all of the great choices that are made. The decisions to improve in work, behaviour and respect for one another.  I have had some wonderful feedback from Family Group Home parents about students wanting to help do little jobs around the house. This is fantastic…. remember “from little things, big things grow”. We have had good, consistent attendance at Tiwi College – so let’s all do the little things to make our college a respectful & happy community, next semester.
I would like to wish all of the families associated with the Tiwi College a safe Bush Holidays. I hope you all get a chance to go to Country and connect.
I’d like to thank our staff for their efforts throughout the semester and wish them a relaxing holiday; where-ever they go. Special thanks go to Troy Cunningham, Brigette Sayer, Luke Ballard and his family who are leaving us; thankyou for your efforts here on the Tiwi Islands. May the next part of your journey in life be a fulfilling one.

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