Wednesday 1 June 2011

Junior School

This term the Primary class have been engaging in their natural world by participating in an Earth Watching program. We have been exploring and investigating our natural environment at Tiwi College including investigating the impacts the students of Tiwi College have on our school. We have collected and sorted rubbish into recyclable and reusable items, learnt how to use waste to build compost, collected natural materials to construct a collage and lastly we learnt the process of recycling paper.

Recycling Paper
The primary class enjoyed building screens with the Red Dust visitors to enable them to make recycled paper. Once the screens were complete, the students cut up recycled paper from their classroom recycling box into tiny pieces. The pieces of paper were then placed in some coloured water to soak.  The next process was putting the wet pieces of paper into the blender to break down the paper even further. The paper was then placed into the screens on a flat surface so the students could flatten the blob of paper out. After smoothing the paper out the excess water was then taken out of the paper by placing a cloth over the top. With a rolling pin the students could carefully press even more water out before leaving it to dry. We made a huge mess but enjoyed making paper.

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