Wednesday 1 June 2011

Deputy Principal's Message

Mr James Russell

I recently found myself thinking back to when I first arrived at Tiwi College and what it was like at school and how students behaved at this time. I couldn't help but have a chuckle. I remember seeing quite a few students spent more time outside of classrooms than in them, while others had their hands full with a footy more often than a pencil, and others seemed to be of the opinion that the classroom floor was actually for sleeping on. When I consider student behaviour now at Tiwi College, I also cannot help but smile. However this time I smile because students have improved greatly in their ability and willingness to stay in class and work hard to learn. Many of the small issues that were preventing students from learning have improved significantly over time. There is still a lot of room for improvement, but on any given day by far the majority of students can be found sitting at their desk doing their best to listen, think and learn. In life it is often improvements in the little things that really add up to make a big difference. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all Tiwi College students on the improvements that they have made so far and encourage you all to keep on trying to improve and to continue to learn and grow during your time time at Tiwi College. Enjoy the Bush Holiday with family and friends and see you for Semester 2!

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