Friday 2 September 2011

Deputy Principal's Message

Mr James Russell

At Tiwi College we recently had a meeting with all boys who are currently enrolled. At this meeting the Chairman of the Tiwi Education Board Pirrawayingi, spoke to the boys about the importance of 'swimming against the tide'....of standing strong in doing what is right and is best for their future. Tides are amazing things. They come in and go out every day and sweep much of what is in the ocean along with them. I think one of the best examples of this is the raging current of water that gushes up and down the Apsley Strait. To swim against such force must take an enormous amount of effort and determination.
The tides of life can often be very similar to the tides that move our oceans. There are often tides where a group of people choose to do the wrong thing and others get swept along with them. Many people go with the tide of those around them, even if it is headed towards a future of troubles and disappointments. It is always much easier to follow the crowd and join in with what other people are doing than it is to stand against friends and family and do what is right.
I have always been very impressed by people who show the strength and determination to make good decisions even when their family and friends around them are not. There are times at school where the tide of student behaviour is not very good. It is heading in the wrong direction and a group of students are all doing the wrong thing. Thankfully we always have some students who are doing there best to swim against the tide and do the right thing. It is far from easy to do this and it takes a lot of courage, strength and determination to go against the crowd. I want to take this opportunity to say WELL DONE and THANK YOU to these students. The tides of life will continue to push, often in the wrong direction. You have shown that you are the leaders able to stand against such tides and do the right thing and make a difference. Keep up the great work!

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