Friday 2 September 2011

Tiwi Tour Guides

Words: Daniel McNamee
Photos Daniel McNamee
Tiwi College hosted Narangba Valley High School for the second year in a row. A relationship between the two schools started in 2009 and continues to strengthen every year. In June, the Tiwi Students made their maiden voyage to Queensland as part of this relationship and were treated to an excellent experience from Teacher Greg McMahon. Greg showed the students around areas of Southern Queensland such as Cherbourg, Gympie and even ventured down to the Gold Coast. The Tiwi Students were keen to repay the favour and give Greg and the Narangba students a Tiwi Experience they would never forget.
Surprisingly the Brisbane school love Australian Football and have a school football program running. It is an obsession that the Tiwi Students can clearly understand as it is also the same on the Tiwi Islands. Australian Football has always been the way to break the ice between the groups of great cultural differences and a quick 30 minute skills session as a group served its purpose
Picture 01: Tiwi Clontarf and Narangba Valley Vipers get to know each other in the drills.
Picture 02: Adam Tipungwuti all smiles doing what he does best.
After a brief School Assembly the students played a game for the Cultural Exchange Shield which had been won twice by the Narangba Valley Vipers. The Tiwi Students were keen to make amends for previous year’s losses.
Picture 03: Both teams before the game.
The Game was played in excellent spirits. Pace and using the wings were the Tiwi trademarks where the Narangba Valley Vipers went straight through the corridor to make use of their taller and bigger bodies.
Picture 04: Opening Bounce at Tiwi College
The game was tightly contested for the first half. The second half was all Tiwi College as the run and home ground advantage paid off and the shield stayed on the Islands for the first time.
Picture 05: Adrian Mungatopi and Clancy Puruntatameri close in on their Viper opponent.
The game was only a fraction of the trip but served its purpose to find some common ground between the students. As part of the Tiwi Experience the Tiwi Clontarf students felt it would be best to take the Southern visitors ‘Out Bush’ and do some camping and fishing. An authentic Tiwi Experience.
Picture 06: Adam Tipungwuti and Narangba Valley Student about to go fishing.
The popular spot of Pretty Flower near Milikapati was the selected destination for the fishing. Tiwi Students showed the art of the throw net and the spear whilst the Narangba Valley students used handlines in order to try and catch something for the night’s dinner. Unfortunately the fish were not biting and the fisherman had to rely on pre-packed food for the dinner.
Picture 07: Stephen Stassi and Adam Tipungwuti show Narangba students how to set up their handlines.
Camp was set up at the historical Karslake. A popular place for visiting Clontarf Academies, the Tiwi Students listed it as the ‘Must Stay’ camping destination.
Picture 08: Shane Tippa and Narangba Valley set up fire for the night.
Picture 09: Tents and the shelter for camping
Once the camp was set up the students took control of the evening activities. Cricket, fishing and touch football were some of the activities as the sun went down at one of Australia’s most untouched locations.
Picture 10: Beach cricket
Picture 11: Fishing at sun set.
Picture 12: Beach Cricket
Picture 13: Shane Tippa and Teacher Aid John-Ross Pilakui set the camp BBQ for the Narangba Valley staff. Buffalo was one of the specialty meats for the dinner.
After a long day in the sun, the Narangba Students were all in their swags by 9pm and had experienced a true Tiwi Island adventure. Camping, fishing and stories from Mary-Elizabeth Moreen who is a traditional owner of the Karslake area made the Cultural exchange a raging success and something that will continue on the school schedule.
Picture 14: Tiwi and Narangba Valley students get ready for bed.
Picture 15: Sunrise at Karslake
Picture 16: Sunrise at Karslake
Picture 17: Camp at Sunrise
A special thanks has to go to the students that played the role as Tiwi Tour Guides for this trip. Fishing, camping, and their local knowledge set the scene for an unforgettable experience for the Narangba Valley students. Also an experience our Clontarf Students will remember as a positive school experience.

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