Friday 2 September 2011

The "Tiwi Ashes 2011"

The Tiwi Education Board and Tiwi Land Council, on behalf of all Tiwi would like to thank Matthew Hayden, Allan Border, Matthew Burke, Guy Reynolds and his 'Macquarie Sports Team', Mike Baxter and the 'Melville Island Lodge,' John and the 'Red Dust Role Models', along with all the Corporate's who supported the event,
An incredible $250,000 was raised for the Tiwi College/Hayden Way Sustainable Agriculture Project.... amazing.

Special thanks go to all of the Tiwi College staff, who worked tirelessly on, and after the day, along with all those Tiwi and non Tiwi community members and schools who turned a good day...magical......
A special congratulations to the Tiwi College Role Models, the fantastic students of the Tiwi College , who showed their younger brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews that they are becoming the true role models and leaders of our Tiwi future.....

To you all we say


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