Friday 2 September 2011

Principal's Message

Mr Ian Smith
What a great start to the term! Many students choosing to come to Tiwi College; a great day had by all with our friends Matthew Hayden and Allan Border during the Tiwi Ashes; Clontarf participation in the State u/14 championships and taking students and our visitors to Karslake camping and finally Morris Corporation beginning training in hospitality at our Family Group Homes. We also have ten young women leaving for Melbourne this week, due to their fantastic attendance and behaviour. We wish them well and hope they return safely with lots of exciting stories to pass on to family and friends.
All of these in the first few weeks of school – it’s hard to believe.
All of these programs are available to students as we have friends who believe in our College and our way. We have students here who are making the most of these types of extra programs. We as teachers and family group home parents are also helping others who can find it hard – because we all care.
Our staff know that the young Tiwi are the future and will help ensure that our community is a happy and safe one. This is our duty. All Tiwi families should feel comfort in knowing this. Our Tiwi staff advise me in any decision making which may impact on a student’s time here at Tiwi College.
We will continue to offer our students a program that helps them into Tiwi jobs in the future  –  one which concentrates on Literacy, Numeracy and targeted VET courses. We welcome exciting initiatives like those stated at the start, to widen Tiwi horizons for the future.
Ours is a Tiwi College for all Tiwi students.

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