Wednesday 30 March 2011

Assistant Principal's Message

You can learn a lot about someone by how they react to difficult situations. Some people put their head down and show steely determination to hang in there and work harder. Others, complain that life is too hard and give up much to easily. Much of Term 1 at Tiwi College has been quite difficult and there have been many things happen that could easily have meant that students might have given up on coming to school or on working hard to learn new things. I am very proud to say that for almost all of our students this has not been the case. Attendance at school this term has been at around 90%. Regardless of interruptions or difficulties most students have kept coming to school and working hard in their classrooms. Nothing makes a teacher more happy than seeing the smiling faces on a Monday morning of students excited to come to school. It has been a difficult term, but many students have made good progress through sticking with it and working hard. The challenge now is to continue into next term with the same sort of attitude. I wish all students and their families a restful holiday and look forward to seeing you all again for Term 2.


James Russell