Sunday 27 March 2011

Practical Field Work

Adrian (Red) Hendry / Csiro / Tiwi Rangers Visit – Week 8 14/3-16/3

Well where do I start? Another exciting day for the VET Program of Tiwi College as the Senior Boys Conservation Land Management Class were in for an exciting week to have a visit from Adrian (Red) Hendry from Charles Darwin University, CSIRO and the Tiwi Rangers. Over the course of the term withstanding the cyclone and the unfortunate damage to the roads, the Senior Boys have been involved in various types of learning activities in their VET Course-CLM. I was so proud of the boys in their excellent behavior and positive attitude towards the subject and deciding to have a go.

The students were heavily involved in understanding more about their code of conduct which they all agreed upon and was signed by the Principal-Brian Clancy, Adrian (Red) Hendry-Charles Darwin University and themselves. The agreement proved to be the basis for their application to this VET Course. Not only did the students participate in class to work on key concepts and images relating to the VET Course, but were motivated in responding to discussion type activities based on looking after the land on the Tiwi Islands.

We were very fortunate to have the CSIRO along with the Tiwi Rangers take the students out to do fieldwork around Taracumbi Falls and around the back of Pickataramoor. The students were involved in locating sites with a GPS; outlining activities and answering questions by the CSIRO and Tiwi Rangers; collecting data; measuring and calculating the data and labeling sub samples. The CSIRO and the Tiwi Rangers were amazed and impressed by the motivation and enthusiasm shown by the students to lead the group through the sites. Back at school Red had the other group of students participating in identifying the OHS issues on work sites looking at tools and getting the students to actively dig pods on the sites chosen for data to be collected and measured in the near future.

Overall, it was a fantastic opportunity for the students to work with Adrian, CSIRO and the Tiwi Rangers to participate in the fieldwork aspect of the VET Course in Conservation Land Management identifying skills and knowledge that the students will pick up on and lead the team in their next visit to the school.

I would like to personally thank Adrian from CDU (Charles Darwin University), CSIRO and the Tiwi Rangers for coming out to Tiwi College and taking the students out for their practical field work out on the islands. But most importantly, to the students of the college, I was so proud of their positive attitude, motivation, enthusiasm and respect they had to our visitors. The students very much so, enjoyed the experience and look forward to the next visit and are determined to get through more challenges in the practical field work of the CLM VET Course.
Well Done students. Keep up the great work.

Sila Pati
Academic Coordinator/CLM Teacher