Thursday 10 March 2011

Literature Week

During the Cyclone week the only class still at school was the Junior class. The students had fun with a Literature Unit using the classic children’s story book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The Unit is based on Bloom’s Taxonomy and developing Critical Thinking Skills. We covered Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.

We worked in groups to identify story elements like beginning, middle and end. Students recalled details through drawing pictures and we predicted and summarized using vocabulary like First, Then, Next and Finally. We also participated in a Choral reading activity. Our spelling focus was the days of the week and the older students helped the younger ones. We will also be working on our comprehension skills.

On the last day, in celebration of our Literature study, students brought a favourite book to school for Show & Tell. We talked about our book and then Ms. Georgie read all the books to the class.

Before we went home we were presented with Literature Awards. It was fun!

The Junior Class