Sunday 27 March 2011

Writing by Senior Young Women

Phyllis and Jack

Phyllis and Jack were sitting by the camp fire. lt was a beautiful day and very cool for a summer's day.

Suddenly they saw a buffalo near the lake. The buffalo was looking for food. They were very quiet because they didn’t want him to chase them. The buffalo looked very mad because he had no food. He went around the camp and Phyllis and Jack called out for help, but no one could hear them.

Finally they grabbed a stick and threw it at the buffalo. He went away. Then Phyllis and Jack sat down quietly to watch the sunset.

By Anna

Cassandra and Luke

One day a girl and a boy lived in the forest. Their names were Cassandra and Luke. Cassandra was a beautiful young woman and Luke was a good fisherman. They loved going for walks in the bush and to collect bush fruit.

One beautiful cool morning Luke got in his canoe because he wanted to collect some fish and crabs for lunch. Cassandra was sitting near the campfire drinking hot coffee. As she sat down, she saw a big rhino ready to go swimming in the creek. Cassandra yelled as loud as she could to Luke. Luke turned around and paddled as fast as he could back to shore.

When he got to shore he ran to their tent and got his gun and loaded it with bullets and shot the rhino. The rhino died. That afternoon, Cassandra cooked the rhino and they had a big feed.

By Alex