Friday 11 March 2011

Girls' Trip to Darwin

Last week, Monday 28 of February, the entire group of Tiwi College students went to Darwin for a school camp. School had been cancelled for the week because the cyclone had made the roads unsafe and we could not travel.

The Milikapiti and Garden Point students jumped on the plane at Mili Air Port. It was a 20 minute flight. When we got to Darwin, we jumped on the bus and went straight to the Wave Pool. After that, we went to Kormilda College where we were staying. That night the girls went to Malak for dinner.

We spent the week doing lots of activities. We played football against other schools. The Tiwi girls were undefeated in all footy games. We had our nails done. We had massages and Tash gave us facials. We also did dancing and lots of talking to local kids.

On Wednesday we also went to Palmerston to watch Big Momma 3. It was really funny. Our favourite part in the film was when the lady and the boy were singing.

Overall, the camp was great and we had a good time. We hope there are other camps this year.

By Laura, Alex, Vanessa and Cassie